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DH5-alpha E.coli cells for cloning, library construction and  DNA plasmids isolation

Amid Biosciences

5-alpha Chemically Competent E. coli Cells for Cloning and Subcloning.

$ 120.00

AB 5-alpha chemically competent E.coli cells are comparable to the DH5α™ strain of E. coli. AB 5-alpha cells carry recA1 and endA1 mutations that minimize recombination and improve plasmid stability and quality. They also contain a lacZ marker that provides α-complementation of the β-galactosidase gene for blue/white color screening and are ideal for cloning, sub-cloning, library construction, and plasmid isolation.

The transformation efficiency is  ≥ 1x108 cfu/μg pUC19 plasmid DNA.

AB 5-alpha chemically competent cells are supplied as a pack of 10 convenient 100 μl/tube aliquots.

AB 5-alpha electrocompetent cells are also available. 

Catalog # AB5-201

E. coli genotype:

F- endA1 recA1 relA1 gyrA96 hsdR17(rk-, mk+) deoR supE44 phoA Δ(lacZYA-argF)U169 Φ80lacZΔM15 λ thi-1


Features & Benefits

  • Comparable to DH5α
  • Efficient transformation of cloned DNA into bacterial cells
  • Blue/white color selection
  • Economical price

Storage:  at -80°C. Thaw on ice only before use. Do not re-freeze.

Shipping:  Product requires shipping on dry ice. Please contact for shipment estimates. 

Usage:  This product is intended for LABORATORY RESEARCH USE ONLY. Not for diagnostic or therapeutic use. 



Bulk quantities and custom packaging are available at very competitive prices for all Competent Cells. 



Woodcock et al., Quantitative evaluation of Escherichia coli host strains for tolerance to cytosine methylation in plasmid and phage recombinants. (1989) Nucl. Acids Res. 17: 3469


Transformation Protocol

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